Invoice And Status

by Pavan Prakash Varshney



Only App that processes Invoices with different in-built logic

Create CUSTOMER MASTER with Name, Address, Phone, Mobile, Email, Contact Person and Shipping Address.Create ITEM MASTER. Specify rate of tax where different items attract different rates of taxesAdd a LOGO to your InvoiceSIGN your InvoiceDefine the TAX LABEL where it is charged on totalSelect a CURRENCY from 140 CountriesSelect a DATE FORMAT that best suits your needs.Back-up and Restore dataApply either a FIXED RATE OF TAX or accept TAX PERCENTAGE FROM ITEM MASTER where different items attract different rates of taxes. You may also specify rate of tax with each item during invoice creationChange the TAX ON EACH ITEM to ON TOTAL with ease without editing each item entry.Discount may be applied on each item or on totalChange the discount ON EACH ITEM to ON TOTAL with ease without editing each item entryProcess Invoice in PDF FormatEMAIL invoice as an attachment.Enter RECEIPT amount with DATE to track PAYMENT Process Invoice List with PAID, DUE and OVER-DUE Status and amount Paid and Balance Due. Filter List with PAID / DUE or OVER-DUE AMOUNT Filter Invoices for a particular Customer with Payment Status